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Category Archives: Breastfeeding Basics
“Welcome to Holland” -Unexpected Outcomes in Birth and Parenting
In pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and parenting, there can be times of unexpected outcomes. From the moment you find out your expecting, your mind is filled with dreams and hopes for this new little person that is going to come into … Continue reading
Posted in Breastfeeding Basics, Parenting
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Breastfeeding, Birth Control and Sex
Just because you have a baby does not mean that the romance has to die, granted having a newborn in the house is going to make for some interesting romantic moments. I guarantee as soon as things begin to heat … Continue reading
Posted in Breastfeeding Basics, Parenting, Pregnancy
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Skin to Skin Kangaroo Care for Newborn baby
Until I felt him on my chest, I was unclear about where I was or what had happened. When I heard you say my baby was here and I felt him against my skin, I began to understand my situation. When I felt him latch onto my breast, I knew I had to fight to stay alive because my baby needs his mother’. Skin-to-skin or kangaroo care is one of natures most powerful tools for the initial care of a newborn. The benefits to both mother and baby are numerous, and in many scenarios proves to be life saving. Continue reading
Posted in AAP Recommendations, Benefits to Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Basics, Increasing Breastmilk, Skin to Skin
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Baby’s Second Night by Jan Barger, RN, IBCLC
You’ve made it through your first 24 hours as a new mom. Maybe you have other children, but you are a new mom all over again…and now it is your baby’s second night.
All of a sudden, your little one discovers that he’s no longer back in the warm and comfortable – albeit a bit crowded – womb where he has spent the last 8 ½ or 9 months – and it is SCARY out here! Continue reading
Posted in Breastfeeding Basics, Colic
What NOT to say to the new breastfeeding mother
When you become a mother, and especially if you choose to breastfeed; everyone you know will most likely come up with pearls of wisdom for you. This is YOUR baby, you get to do this YOUR way! Here is WHAT NOT TO SAY TO THE NEW BREAST FEEDING MOTHER: Continue reading
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