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Category Archives: Engorgement
Overabundant Milk Supply with Overactive Letdown
It would seem that every breastfeeding mother would desire to have a milk production, so big that you would have endless freezers full of expressed milk, your baby would always be blissfully full and content, and your breastfeeding worries would … Continue reading
Posted in Biting, Engorgement, Overabundant milk supply
Breast Engorgement Relief
Engorgement is what happens to your breasts around three to six days after the birth of your baby after a surge of hormones have began to change the composition of your breast milk from the thick colostrum phase to a more mature milk. Colostrum still however remains a part of your milk for several days. Your breasts may feel swollen, fuller, and heavier. In some cases, women describe the breasts as being warm to the touch and appear hard and shiny. Continue reading
Posted in Engorgement
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