Category Archives: Increasing Breastmilk

Hand Expression Technique Video for Increasing Breast Milk by Dr. Jane Morton

Overwhelming evidence has shown that hand expression and breast compression while breastfeeding your infant can greatly increase your milk supply. The below link is a video explaining hand expression techniques, especially beneficial in the first few days post delivery to ensure adequate amounts of colostrum is given to the new baby. Continue reading

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Herbs and Galactogogues to Increase Breast Milk Production

Galactagogues are herbs and other substances that support breast milk production and increase milk supply. The most common are: fenugreek, blessed thistle, and more milk plus. Continue reading

Posted in Breastfeeding Basics, Galactogogues, Herbs and Breastfeeding, Increasing Breastmilk, Low Milk Supply | Comments Off on Herbs and Galactogogues to Increase Breast Milk Production

Increasing Breast Milk

The best way to increase your breast milk production is to feed the baby. You have to empty the breast so that it has the ability to fill back up with milk. If you are not feeding frequently enough then your breasts wont know how much milk to truly make. In the first 6-8 weeks it is really important that the baby feed 8-12 times in a 24 hour period. If your breasts are not being stimulated at least 8 times a day preferably more, then you wont be able to make enough to support the need. Below are some easy steps to help increase breast milk production: Continue reading

Posted in Increasing Breastmilk, Low Milk Supply | 10 Comments

Reasons for Low Milk Supply: Common Concerns and Questions

The concern of not making enough milk for your baby is a common one. The important thing to determine is whether or not you truly have low milk supply.If your baby is gaining weight without supplementing with any other form of milk, is having at least 6-8 wet diapers, and 3-4 dirty diapers, then you do not have a low milk supply. The behavior of the baby post feed, the weight or sensation of your breasts, the frequency of feeding, the sensation of “let-down”, or how much you pump are not adequate ways of measuring whether or not you have enough breast milk. Your baby’s weight gain and diaper output is the most valid tool to measure. Continue reading

Posted in Diet Concerns, Feeding Cues, Growth Spurts, Increasing Breastmilk, Infant Weight Gain, Low Milk Supply | Comments Off on Reasons for Low Milk Supply: Common Concerns and Questions